How criminals steal your identity to steal your money
Scams involving identity theft have cost Australians at least $16 million this year, and that figure is likely to be just the “tip of the iceberg”, says the ACCC.
Housing affordability the best it’s been since 1999: HIA
Great news for home buyers – housing affordability is the best it’s been since 1999, according to new data released by the nation’s peak housing and building body.
What the cash rate cuts mean for other areas of your finance
Whenever the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) changes the official cash rate we all hear about how it will impact home loans. But it affects many other areas of finance and the economy, which we’ll look into today.The RBA has cut the official cash rate to a new record low of 1%, just one month after lowering it to 1.25% – which was the first rate cut in almost three years (since August 2016).Now, whenever this happens we all hear about what it will mean for mortgage-holders.But it also has a flow-on effect for many other areas of finance, which we’ll look into below.
Making the most of the instant asset write-off
Cash flow is like your daily hit of caffeine. You don’t really notice how important it is for your business until you’ve got to try and operate without it. Today we’ll look at how the recently expanded instant asset write-off initiative can help out in that area.
What the 2019 federal budget means for your family's finances
With a federal election due in May, the 2019 federal budget is more a series of election promises than it is a set-in-stone budget. That aside, here are some of the more interesting talking points and what they’ll mean for your family’s monthly budget.
Top 5 tips for standing out on Airbnb
The short term rental market is booming. Each year, tens of thousands of Australians list their properties on Airbnb to make a tidy buck on the side. Here are our top five tips on how to stand head and shoulders above your competition.
12 reasons you should see a broker for car finance
We’ve all heard the horror stories about a mechanically-challenged friend buying a car and it turning out to be an absolute lemon! Well, the truth is that sourcing the finance for the car isn’t all too dissimilar. But here are 12 reasons why you won’t end up with a lemon of a loan with us!
How to choose your default Super fund
Choosing the right superannuation fund can be like navigating a maze. Just when you think you’re onto a winner you run into a dead end – whether that be because of high fees, hidden costs, or poor performance. Today we’ll break down the process of choosing a fund in 9 simple steps.
A huge thank you for all your support
What a rollercoaster month it’s been for the mortgage broking industry and our customers. The good news for the both of us is that our service to you will stay exactly the same moving forward, no matter who wins government come May.
5 ways to combat current property market conditions
Australia’s housing market might be on a bit of a downward trajectory, but that doesn’t mean the value of your home can’t buck the trend. Here are five ways you can increase the value of your property, without necessarily increasing your monthly mortgage repayments.
Technological budget killers to watch out for in 2019
As technology continues to evolve, so too do the challenges of keeping your family budget in check. This week we’re going to look at a couple of technological trends that could put your family budget under some real strain in 2019. Sure,...