Mortgage Application: Can a Job Switch Affect It?
You might find yourself changing jobs, taking that necessary step in your career journey. However, many individuals do not fully realize that such transitions can impact various aspects of their financial lives, including their ability to secure a mortgage.
Why You Might Want to Refinance Sooner Rather Than Later
Refinancing mortgage is a prime example of a financial decision where the clock is always ticking. As the economic landscape continually shifts and personal circumstances evolve, the need to act promptly becomes paramount.
How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Underquoting
It’s the hope that kills you. Just ask Carlton fans, NSW Blues supporters, Wallabies sufferers, and hopeful homebuyers who have fallen victim to underquoting. Obviously, you can’t change your footy team, but you can follow these tips to avoid the sketchy real estate practice.
How to Save a First Home Deposit in Just Over a Year
The dream of owning your first home is an exciting journey filled with anticipation and aspirations. However, it’s a financial goal that often feels just out of reach, with the thought of pinching pennies for years. The good news is that...
What’s Your Debt-to-Income Ratio and Why Do Lenders Care About It?
Debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is a fundamental financial metric that provides lenders with a snapshot of your financial health. But what exactly is DTI? It is a numerical representation of your financial obligations relative to your income....
Why are houses becoming so much more expensive to build?
Construction costs just rose at the fastest annual pace since 2005. So why is it getting so expensive to build your own home? Today we’ll look at the materials that are becoming more expensive and why all homeowners should take note – not...
How many SMEs find it difficult to repay business loans?
Ever thought about taking out a loan for your business but hesitated because you were worried about meeting your repayments? Don’t worry, it’s a common concern. But some promising data has just come out that might help you put those fears aside.
Protecting Your Business and Customers from Scams
When you pay a supplier or service provider, are you certain you’re paying the right account? You’ve got to be super careful these days, as scammers are compromising inboxes and requesting payments to a new account. Here’s how to protect your business and its customers.
Open banking is ramping up, so how are lenders using your data?
Open banking is here and it’s charging full steam ahead. So just how are lenders and fintechs using your shared data in this brave, new, data-fuelled world? A new report has shed some interesting insights.
Bar raised for borrowers: tougher home loan serviceability tests
Some borrowers will soon find it harder to get a mortgage after the banking regulator announced tougher serviceability tests for home loans. So who will they impact most?
New super laws: a timely reminder to check your life insurance policy
What measures do you have in place to help protect your family home or business? If life insurance through your superannuation account is one of them, then it’s a good time to give it a quick review – especially if you work in a high-risk environment.
Cash flow tips for businesses thriving and surviving the pandemic
Australia is a tale of two economies right now, depending on the state or sector your business is based in. Today we’ll run you through three cash flow tips for your business, whether it’s growing or struggling.
What’s the best day to auction your house?
Drive or walk around your local suburb mid-morning on a Saturday and chances are you’ll pass a few freshly banged up ‘Auction’ signs. But is Saturday actually the best day to auction your home? New data suggests perhaps not.
How much extra will your mortgage cost when interest rates rise?
After 18 straight RBA cash rate cuts it can be easy to dismiss the notion that interest rates might rise again. But if the cash rate returned to mid-2019 levels, how much extra would an average new mortgage holder expect to pay each month? Let’s take a look.
Size matters: how to get more bang for your buck on property sizes
An increasing number of Australians are prioritising larger homes and bigger blocks in their house-hunting endeavours since the pandemic began. But where to look? Well, a new search tool helps you calculate which suburbs offer the best bang for your buck.